Derby Royalty
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Derby Queen
Evelyn Wirth
Our 2024 Derby Queen is Evelyn Wirth. She is a senior at Northland Pines High School and has lived in St. Germain her whole life. Snowmobiling has been a big part of her life. She attended the Derby growing up and followed certain racers. Evelyn has enjoyed helping out in the community by decorating for the holidays and serving those in need. "I grew up helping people and even when we didn’t have much we still did what we could to help people around us in need." Our Derby Queen has been involved in DECA which is a club that helps high school and college students get into the entrepreneurship field as well as business. They do this with online lessons and online and in person competitions with real world scenarios. "It is a lot of fun and I have learned a ton from it," she said of her experience. In the last 4 years, she has gotten into the pageantry and modeling world. Getting involved in that has helped her to gain self confidence, experience, and connections with others around the world.
Derby Princess
Ava Hamblen
2024 Derby Princess Ava Hamblen is a sophomore at Northland Pines High School. Ava loves to lend a helping hand to anyone who needs it, no matter if it's a neighbor or a friendly stranger. She volunteers in the winter by helping set up for the Radar Run and working with the Bo-Boen snowmobile club in the food tent. She runs, does multiple sports, participates in musicals and more. Ava got her snowmobile license young and joined the Bo-boen snowmobile club and started riding a snowmobile of her own. She has attended the derby for years. Then in 2022, her parents bought a business that specializes in manufacturing drags for snowmobile trail groomers. She started going with her dad to shows and conferences and has gotten pretty close with many of the clubs and people behind the trails and machines that make the sport possible.
Derby Princess
Katie Swendson
2024 Derby Princess Katie Swendson is a sophomore at Northland Pines High School. She volunteers for the Three Lakes Women's Auxiliary, Three Lakes Fish and Wildlife, and Three Lakes Snowmobile Club. Katie also participated in the One Act Play and the Musical at school. Katie attended derby with her sisters when she was little and it became part of a dream. She wanted to be a good enough racer that she could make it to the Derby and win! She remembers, "It wasn't just my dream. It was my family's dream too. My sisters and I grew up racing sleds in Three Lakes and Gleason." Her favorite thing became racing from 4-12 years old. So she loves being here and part of the Derby!